Installation and real-time performance of the cartographic net and networking project mapping information nodes of ex- and imports of contemporary and archeological art and cultural products


In Romani language there is no real word for future but one for a tomorrow: THARA – a media lab fostering contemporary self-empowerment of Roma and Sinti teens … [2004 – 2006]

white chairs

White on white is the theme, shade and doubled manifestation ask for the meaning of space between physical matters, ask for the character of emptiness, the character of fullness …

Stage Event awarding Innovationspreis der freien Kulturszene Wiens 2005

Stage event awarding the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects 2005, initiated by IG Kultur Wien

Innovationspreis der freien Kulturszene Wiens 2005. Image Trailer

Development of the image trailer for the stage event awarding the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects 2005, initiated by IG Kultur Wien

Innovationspreis der freien Kulturszene Wiens 2005. Voting Model

Co-development of a voting model for the participatory awarding of the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects, initiated by IG Kultur Wien

white chairs. stop-motion-lab

Performance in the framework of netznetz – Festival der Netzkultur in Künstlerhaus Wien 15–17/10/2004

Gate06 – Der 6te Sinn

Community project model negotiating art and society as well as culture and living space by means of application-oriented, transdisciplinary and above all participatory processes. 2004 – 2005