
skin flats

skin flats is a series of 60 image montages consisting of a series of self-portraits – close-ups, taken randomly in chronological order, showing the skin of the artist Alexandra Reill from an abstracting perspective …; images that ultimately transform into movement and, in combination with the installation of the video loop skin flats 0 and its parts I, II, and III, may culminate in a meditative experience …


[Moving] image sequence of thousands of self-portraits and their image edits, arranged chronologically according to the time of digital recording between the quarters 03/2019 and 04/2022. In progress

Photographic notes QU03_2019-QU04_2022

[Moving] images sequence of thousands of photographic notes – everyday shots of individually experienced moments; arranged in chronological order, according to the time of digital recording between the quarters 03/2019 and 04/2022. In progress

SP19-22-body movements in time

Series of 25 photo montages, developed from a row of flawed self-portraits, created by chance and in serial order; showing the movements of a body from an abstract perspective in time


Series of 64 photographic self-portraits with a bag in motion, taken at random, forming a chronological series of abstracts …

SP19-22-movements of skin I / II

Two series of 18 / ten photos depicting close ups of skin in movement, taken at random in a serial order and letting the artist Alexandra Reill look at herself from an abstracting perspective …

Cable fades

Chronologically arranged series of the moving capture of a power cable, consisting of three randomly taken photographic shots

SP19-22-La petite étoile – une épicerie

Image montage of four self-portraits, created in the reflection of the shop window of a small grocery store called La petite étoile