spatial settings

Blessed Simonida from the Brilliant Grounds. Real-time Enactment / Arthouse

EXCERPT READING Museum Belvedere 21 @open mic | Sommerfest


Interactive video stage development and real-time performance for the launch event of the media platform romblog

Circles. The Labs

A discursive-performative panel series reflecting in six weekly open labs the meta-questions What is contemporary art aiming for? What do contemporary artists strive for? Which relevances of artistic work prevail in societies today?


In an interactive media setting the bar camp and game CLOUDS IN THE SHARK POOL reflects the role of the artist as a medium between the poles of cooperation and competition – an antagonism forming one of the main pillars of onholding scientific discussion. Where does the artist stand today?


Hosting and spatial setting for the online streaming performances featuring in real-time Helen Varley Jamieson and Paula Crutchlow with their project Make-Shift in private environments re-imaginating private actions of domestic lives as multiple interconnections with global consequences …

Gipsy Stop Dancing

Real-time video stage for the play staged by Nehle Dick for Romano Svato in Palais Kabelwerk

CHANGES – on the edge

Video atmosphere and [real time] performance | installation for a dance performance


[Concept for a] sound installation against daily racism [in public space]