
Above the Skies

… the pervasion of feelings of mundane phenomenae, of mundane life, a good bye from beloved ones and an hommage for love – the film Above the Skies is a journey from Earth to Heaven and back.

Walking in Footage

… people running – walking – sitting – in a world of abundance of information, confronted with media overflow, with mistakes, disturbances caused by overload. People looking for slowliness to be able to re-concentrate on inner perspectives …

white chairs

White on white is the theme, shade and doubled manifestation ask for the meaning of space between physical matters, ask for the character of emptiness, the character of fullness …

Innovationspreis der freien Kulturszene Wiens 2005. Image Trailer

Development of the image trailer for the stage event awarding the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects 2005, initiated by IG Kultur Wien

airborne for 8 minutes EN

An experiental short film throwing a glimpse on moments of life, longings and happiness

Deserts & Backbones

humans positioning themselves in urban deserts and entertainment worlds … they talk about feelings of emptiness, disorientation and helplessness which overcome them in the middle of performance-oriented organizations of life …