

[… an] online/offline jamming workshop series connecting […] cities across the globe
Concept for an application under the EU-programme MEDIA, 2004


Furtherfield [Ed.]: Rosalind – online lexicon project of newly created and re-defined terms in the light of artistic and technological research. Contributions


Essay on the influence of IT and its technocratical context on human self-perception, written in 2003 for the magazine the muse apprentice guild

The Princess and the Pea

Structural raw draft for a media spectacle by and for passersby in public space following Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale

SAVE / SAFE. Publication

Dramaturgical case study on post-human tendencies and borderlining as a contemporary phenomenon …

David and Goliath

Co-development of the concept and structure for an interactive live TV show accompanied by an online platform for kids questioning politicians on their positions …

Die Geschichte von den gefangenen Händlerinnen

Bootleg of a Buddhist short story about captivity and the continent of living freedom

The Red Shoes

Plot draft for a feature film following the fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen; with the idea of ​​staging and filming on Mali Lošinj in the main summer season, with a central station in the form of a tent on the main square of the place, in which tourists can let themselves be casted as actors or extras for one or the required number of day/ s of shooting …